COVID SAFE Plan – Home PC Repair
last modified 30th May 2020
GenFit RealRewards Pty Ltd trading as Home PC Repair
On-site computer repairs, services, support and goods.
Every workplace has an important role to play in stopping the spread of COVID-19. To help Queensland Unite Against COVID-19 Home PC Repair also referred to as ‘we’, has created new workplace procedures in line with CovidSafe Queensland.
Wellbeing of workers
Workers are to stay at home if they are sick and to go home immediately if they become unwell. Workers are required to notify Home PC Repair if they have any symptoms of acute respiratory disease (cough, sore throat, shortness of breath) or fever or history of fevers. In the case of persistent symptoms, they are also required to be tested for COVID-19. They must remain in isolation at home until they test negative for COVID-19.
To maximize the distancing between workers and clients, where applicable a remote desktop service will be used. Before booking a job it is essential to check whether any clients may be unwell or showing any flu-like symptoms.
We will provide workers with adequate information and education, including changes to work tasks and practices and appropriate cleaning and disinfection practices at work.
Social distancing
We will limit walk-in appointments and client interaction through the use of online or phone bookings, at first instance remote services will be offered.
Tap and go, direct deposit, and other contactless payment options will be preferable forms of payment. Clients are to be informed to remain 1.5 meters apart during a site job.
Record keeping
As part of our usual record keeping, all contact information such as worker names, client names, addresses, phone, and email details will be kept per our privacy policy. Due to COVID-19 requirements, we will maintain these details for at least 28 days and make them available where applicable by law. For example, to trace COVID-19 infections.
Hygiene and cleaning
Inform clients of expectations before a Home PC Repair member attends their appointment. This includes:
Whether anyone at home/office is feeling unwell.
Clients need to provide their details for record-keeping,
Home PC Repair employee is to wash their hands or using alcohol-based hand sanitiser upon arrival and exit of the premises.
Where feasible we will use our own electronic devices such as keyboards and mice to interact with the client's devices. Alternatively, we will freshly apply hand sanitiser before using the client’s electronic devices such as keyboards and mice. We will not use antibacterial wipes of any nature as this has a high likelihood of damaging such equipment.
If possible we will request clients to limit the number of people in the home/office.
Review and monitor
We will continue to review and monitor our safe work practice as further information pertinent to COVID-19 provided by health authorities becomes publicly available, and where required for us to do so by law.
Clients who have concerns about whether a business is complying with this CovidSafe plan can call 13QGOV (13 74 68) or their union or industry association.